Laboratories for the unhindered export of agricultural products to the China will be opened in East Kazakhstan region and at "Khorgos" - "QazTrade" Trade Policy Development Center" JSC
Laboratories for the unhindered export of agricultural products to the China will be opened in East Kazakhstan region and at “Khorgos”

Laboratories for the unhindered export of agricultural products to the China will be opened in East Kazakhstan region and at “Khorgos”

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Customs Administration of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the PRC at the annual meeting of the Heads of the Border Customs Authorities of the two countries explored opportunities to simplify the export procedure for Kazakh agricultural products

During the meeting, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan submitted for discussion the issues of including Kazakh agricultural producers in the Register of Enterprises entitled to export to China under the guarantee of the authority.

In addition, proposals were considered to open a laboratory for quality control and safety of agricultural products in the East Kazakhstan region, accredited according to the requirements of the General Customs Administration of the PRC, as well as to create veterinary and phytosanitary posts together with a laboratory certified by China on the territory of the “Khorgos” ICBC.

The operation of such facilities would make it possible to simplify and accelerate the passage of Kazakh agricultural products through border control.

Also, the Ministry of Agriculture also proposed to speed up the procedures for reviewing and agreeing on veterinary and sanitary requirements for chilled meat, offal and other types of agricultural products exported from the Republic of Kazakhstan to China.

Additionally, the SUAR Customs Department proposed ways of cooperation in laboratory diagnostics of diseases of horses imported from Kazakhstan.

For reference: to date, protocols have been signed for the export to China of 19 types of crop and livestock products, including wheat, flax seeds, barley, alfalfa, corn, wheat bran and feed, rapeseed meal, wheat flour, honey, wool, dairy products, beef, lamb and pork.

In total, 566 enterprises are included in the Register of Enterprises that have the right to export to China (486 enterprises for crop production, 80 for livestock production).

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