March 10, 2022 Deputy General Director of JSC “QazTrade” Nurlan Kulbatyrov attended the 5th meeting of the Committee on Cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union in trade configuration. Within the framework of the meeting, which was held in the EU capital in Brussels, the issues of bilateral cooperation, including trade and investment development, public procurement, green economy, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, utilization fee and others were discussed.
The Deputy Director General of QazTrade in his presentation presented the preliminary results of the Reade4Trade Central Asia programme projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This project is implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC) together with the QazTrade, which is an Institutional Partner.
The aim of the Project is to promote intra-regional and international trade in Central Asia by improving the business environment, enhancing business opportunities and enabling cross-border e-commerce. The Project involves Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.