The authorized body for partial reimbursement of the costs incurred by subjects of industrial and innovative activities for the promotion of domestically processed goods/services to foreign markets since 2021 is JSC “QazTrade” – a subordinate company of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As a result of 17 IСCs conducted in 2021, 219 applications from 119 companies were approved for a total amount of 4,268. 5 million. tenge, of which:
– for the costs associated with the delivery of goods – 212 applications of 4,166. 8 million tenge;
– for the promotion of goods – 8 applications of 101.7 million tenge.
In return for the received government support, exporters assume counter obligations, which are stipulated in the agreements of receipt of reimbursement.
Namely, 119 companies that received partial reimbursement of costs plan to increase the following indicators by 2023:
– export volumes by 80 854.0 million tenge;
– tax payments to the budget by 7,268. 1 million tenge;
– number of jobs by 1 267 people.
In 2020, as a result of 19 ICCs, 487 applications from 216 companies were approved for a total amount of 5,611. 0 million tenge, of which:
– 60 companies that received government support of 942.4 million tenge assumed counter obligations to increase the following indicators:
– export volumes by 52,398. 5 million tenge;
– tax payments to the budget by 3 180.0 million tenge; – number of jobs by 1,342 people.